system of economic security, subject of protection, security-providing activity, objectification of the system of economic security, basis of system formation.Abstract
The issues of subjectization of the economic security system of an enterprise have been updated. The basic principles of structuring the economic security system of an enterprise using the object-subjective approach by means of specifying the structural component of "subjects" and personifying its elements, which increases the specifics of the security-providing activity of an enterprise, are conceptually defined, creates a cognitive basis for building a system of economic security and strengthens pragmatic aspect of structuring the system.
The approaches to the formation of the subject field of the research in economic securityology are grounded on the basis of the definition of subjectivity in the system of economic security of an enterprise.
The system of economic security is objectified in the form of a structural subdivision of an enterprise for economic security - a department, which is to monitor the state of security objects in an operational mode for the purpose of threats detection, to react promptly to a change of the situation, to regularly develop recommendations on protection of security objects, monitor their implementation and participate in their implementation. From these positions, the study of the economic security system of the enterprise and its subjects of protection has made it possible to specify the security activities of the enterprise by moving from the general process of securing economic security to the protection of clearly defined security objects located in zone of responsibility of a certain structural subdivision of the enterprise; models for assessing the required complexity and the state of the company's economic security system.
The necessity of personalization of each object the system of economic security of an enterprise and the corresponding subject of protection in the form of a structural unit responsible for its security is determined. On the basis of a definite and generalized set of unresolved issues, the significance of the further development of the methodological basis of system development in economic security science, strengthening of its applied aspect has been proved.
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