multifunctional sports complexes, sports facilities, sports environment, experience in designing sports complexes.Abstract
The article gives a classification of sports and modern multifunctional sports complexes. The terminology of the concept of multifunctional sports complex has been unified. The analysis of modern domestic and foreign multifunctional sports complexes is carried out that allows to define a number of obvious tendencies of development of the sports environment.
The construction of sports facilities is included in the general plans of cities in the form of microdistricts, districts and cities. A study of the development of modern sports complexes. Trends in the development of the spatial structure of the sports environment have been identified. The sports infrastructure of Ukraine is analyzed for the possibility of holding international sports competitions. It is determined that according to the existing norms and rules, all multifunctional sports facilities can be divided into main, auxiliary and devices-devices for spectators.
The classification of multifunctional sports complexes by location in the structure of the city is given. Multifunctional buildings are, if possible, adapted for various sports. In order to determine the role and place of multifunctional sports complexes in the structure of the city, sports centers available in natural and urban areas were analyzed. The basic requirements to be presented to modern sports complexes at designing are defined.
The work consists of two parts. In the first part, the development of the sports environment is studied and the classification of modern sports complexes is given. In the second part, the features of the typological characteristics of multifunctional sports complexes are formulated.
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