VR/AR technologies, industrial safetyAbstract
Recently, new learning technologies with elements of virtual and augmented reality have been created to eliminate the discrepancy between the necessary and existing competencies of employees. They can be used in the field of occupational safety or training young professionals in safe work practices.
VR/AR technologies should be aimed at improving safety at work through the introduction of digital instructions and training in virtual reality, simulating both regular and extreme situations. VR/AR technologies help to reduce time costs and possible errors, increase productivity and efficiency, and also reduce the risk of industrial injuries.
The importance and prospects of modern AR/VR technologies for ensuring labor safety are shown.
The analysis of modern foreign and domestic research and development of the VR/AR interface in the field of building a labor protection management system has been carried out. Emphasis is placed on the formalization of the concept of using AR tools to ensure production safety. A SWOT analysis was carried out to assess the main problems and risks of introducing VR / AR technologies to ensure labor safety.
During the analysis of technology application cases, data was obtained that allowed to identify the weak and strong sides of the technologies, the possibilities of their application and the threats faced by the companies. To systematize information from sources, a SWOT matrix was constructed. We will present a SWOT analysis of AR/VR technologies to ensure labor safety.
One of the strengths can be considered "a variety of applications", which confirms the promise of using AR / VR tools.
With proper use of the potential of technology, companies will be able to achieve the desired benefits by increasing employee productivity, improving work processes, effectively building a labor management system, deepening the professional competencies of their employees, and reducing the likelihood of accidents or accidents at the enterprise..
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