labor protection, occupational injuries, industrial environment, accident, risk, danger, harmfulness, probabilityAbstract
Based on statistical data, the main reasons for the low level of labor protection organization in Ukraine are formulated. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in cases of industrial injuries. UAH 334 million was spent on monthly insurance payments to families who lost breadwinners. for temporary incapacity for work due to an accident or occupational disease - UAH 138.1 million. The data presented in the article indicate that the main causes of fatal accidents are organizational, psychophysical, technogenic, and technical. The main reasons for the low level of labor protection organization in Ukraine are given by the authors, who say that in today's conditions, the labor protection management system should be based not only on measures from the state, but also on the interest of the subjects of labor relations in maintaining the proper physical condition of the employee.
A real health risk assessment is impossible without a sufficient information base on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of risk factors and data on the health status of those contingents of the population that are exposed to these factors. The effect of potentiating with the combined influence of professional and non-professional factors has been established. Therefore, there was a need to develop new methods of analysis and modeling of the conditional probability of the occurrence of an industrial injury, acceptable for practical engineering calculations. The proposed indicators of the level of ensuring the safety of people at the objects are the probability of preventing exposure to dangerous factors of the production environment and work process, which can be determined by the full risk of an accident.
Thus, on the basis of the application of the probabilistic method for modeling the conditional probability of injury to an employee during technological operations, an assessment of the probability of an accident and the development of various variants of dangerous situations was carried out. This will make it possible to get an assessment of the circumstances and conditions that contribute to the occurrence and development of traumatic situations at work.
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