innovation center, Kharkiv, Pyatikhatki, science city, architectural and urban planning featuresAbstract
The article investigates the architectural and urban planning specifics of the center of innovation activity - Pyatikhatka in Kharkiv. This urban formation – "science city" – is considered as an industrial and urban planning phenomenon. The article highlights the history of the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology and the main stages of creation of the science city on its basis. It is established that the Pyatikhatky Science City was built according to an individual master plan developed in the 1950s and early 1980s. The author identifies 2 main periods of construction, development and transformation of the science city: the soviet period and the period of independence, which in turn can be divided into stages. The Soviet period – the period of construction and development – is divided into two stages: 1950s - 1970s and 1980s - 1991, the period of independence – 1991-present - is the stage from 1992 – 2021 and the stage after February 24, 2022. It has been established that the settlement of Pyatikhatky had all the signs of a science city. The new urban formation was integrated into the network of suburban road connections, but the main research and production complex demonstrated the "transport dead end" characteristic of such formations (impossibility of passing through it). The territory was separated from the city by a green strip of forest and parkland, i.e. it had a sign of tightness/isolation from the surrounding urban areas. There was also an educational function, which was usually organically included in the structure of all science towns. The village had a developed sphere of services and culture, which were especially active in the soviet years, and an atypical planning structure with a classified master plan. The urban planning and architectural solutions of the entity and the improved urban environment demonstrated the latest progressive approaches of the time.
It is concluded that for the successful recovery and development of our country in the current conditions, it is necessary to introduce a continuous cycle: education – science – entrepreneurship - production, which is why the revitalization and development of such a center of innovation activity has significant potential and great importance for the development of Ukraine.
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