The necessity of maintaining the existing fleet of rolling stock in a workable and reliable condition is substantiated. The traction gear assembly is designed as operating under heavy loads and wear. The necessity of obtaining a characteristic of wear formation of traction gear in time with the purpose of determining residual wear is indicated. The original array is analyzed, which is a set of data, including the date of measurement, the number of gears or wheels and the corresponding size. The methodical aspect of determining the wear characteristics of traction gears of electric trains is considered. To obtain the characteristics of the wear formation of the gear teeth and the traction gear wheel in time, a step-by-step scheme is proposed, based on the use of a matrix method for processing large arrays of experimental data. Formalized records of the initial, intermediate and final matrices are presented. Steps are a step-by-step transposition of the original matrices, revealing the magnitude of the decrease in the pitch division of the gear teeth and the gear wheel. The final data array is obtained in the form of a series of values of the ranges of the rolling stock and the corresponding wear value of the division chord. An example of a fragment of the resulting array is given. The results of researchin the form of the dependence of the wear value of the teeth of a traction gear transmission for a certain period of operation of a rolling stock rolling stock are presented. The features of the received characteristics among which the difference in the number of elements of the initial and received arrays, the wear rate, as well as the correspondence of the curves to the area of steady wear, are revealed. Prospects of using the results obtained in forecasting the residual resource and the possibility of using the proposed scheme for studying gears of other vehicles are considered.
Keywords: gearing, wear, matrix method, step-by-step scheme.
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