The problem of the influence of the thermal state of a gas sample on the accuracy of the most convenient and compact equipment for the ecological diagnosis of diesel units of different types on the emission index of particulate matter with exhaust gases - microtunnels is analyzed. The results of studies of foreign and domestic specialists confirming the influence of the temperature of the gas sample in the measuring system and the degree of its dilution with air on the error in determining the mass of the controlled solid particles are considered.
A methodology has been developed for studying thermal processes in tunnels: reference and alternative, which allows to solve this problem. A mathematical description of the heat transfer process in a diluting tunnel is developed in the form of a system of four differential equations: energy, motion, continuity and heat transfer, taking into account the uniqueness conditions in a dimensionless form. It is established that the Nusselt - Nu criterion characterizing the heat transfer in a tunnel is a function of four variables: the Reynolds - Re number and the dimensionless coefficients: dilution of the exhaust gases - q, the unevenness of the temperature distribution - kt and the relative tunnel length - kl.
A technique and an experimental setup have been developed that allow one to determine the average heat transfer coefficient αt in the exhaust gas dilution pipelines - complete in-line and partially flow tunnels with Reynolds number values of 4000 ... 35000; with the help of the coefficient αt, the necessary conditions for the dilution of diesel exhaust gases by air in mini and microtunnels are determined.
The description of the principle of action, a general photo, a scheme for the installation of measuring instruments, a calculation algorithm, and an example of the practical use of an experimental setup for measuring the average heat transfer coefficient at the interface are described: the tunnel wall is the dilute exhaust gas flow in the tunnel..
Keywords: diesel, ecology, exhaust gases, toxicity, particulate matter, microtunnel, heat transfer, sample temperature.
Regulation No 49. Revision 6. Uniform provision concerning the approval of compression ignition (C.I.) and natural gas (NG) engines as well as positiveignition (P.I.) engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vehicles equipped with C.I. and NG engines and P.I. engines fuelled with LPG, with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine. / United Nations Economic and Social Council Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles. // E/ECE/TRANS/505, 2013. 434 p.
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ISO 8178-1: 2017. Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement. Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions, 2017. 150 p.
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Regulation № 96. Revision 3. (2014). Uniform provision concerning the approval of compression ignition (C.I.) engines to be installed in agricultural and forestry tractors with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine. E/ECE/TRANS/505, 416.
ISO 8178-1: 2017. (2017). Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement. Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions, 150.
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