integrated territorial community, land resources, agricultural land, land management, database, queries, user interface.Abstract
Since Ukraine's independence, legislation in the field of land relations has been constantly reformed. If, at the beginning of this path, it was the adoption of a number of codified laws, then later the denationalization and the path of decentralization took place. Considering the legal aspect of the issue, it becomes clear that the Laws of Ukraine present tangible gaps that entail problems in practice. For the rational use of land resources of any united territorial community, it is necessary to have complete information about the property right, the quality of the land, which is within its competence. Unfortunately, in most of the united territorial communities, such information is missing or is available, but in an informal format. Addressing the problem of inefficient management of land resources is one of the main challenges facing the development and settlement of economic relations.
The exploration of land resources in the territory of an individual village council or the state as a whole with a view to further rationalizing the land of the united territorial community is quite difficult and difficult. The main purpose of the article is to justify the need to use a database that would take into account all the features and uniqueness of land resources. In the case of a common database of all land uses and tenures of the united territorial community, it will be possible to use the land rationally.
Creating a common database of land plots for entrepreneurial activity will give an opportunity to fully assess the situation with the lands of the united territorial community, attract investors for their business activity, increase employment by opening new businesses, and fill the budget due to the development of entrepreneurship. That is, the development of a database for land management will allow keeping records of all land resources, including not only agricultural land, but also land of industry, trade, housing, forest and water funds, roads of local and state importance. The developed database will provide an opportunity to evaluate the benefits of using specialized software when creating a common land database of the united territorial community. Such a database will help minimize the time spent searching for information about a particular land plot. It can be noted that high land use efficiency can only be achieved through a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, which in turn is impossible without informatization.
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