

  • A. Batrakova Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • S. Urdzik Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


pavement, cracks, elastic modulus, calculation of pavement, assessment of the condition of non-rigid pavement.


Road agencies around the world note the aging of the national road network and the accelerated destruction of pavement during operation due to changes in the composition of the traffic. Many scientific studies have noted that cracks of various configurations, depths, origins are the most characteristic type of pavement damage, make up a significant part of the total area of destruction and are the main danger as the initial stage of more serious damage leading to loss of pavement distribution. Timely detection of hidden cracks in the coating layers and the base layers allows to prevent the destruction of pavement and significantly reduce the cost of road repairs. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and criteria for assessing the condition of non-rigid pavement, which contains hidden defects in its structural layers. The results of the analysis make it possible to take into account a particular type of defect when choosing a calculation scheme and the order of calculation of pavement.

The analysis proved that the calculated schemes of pavement design do not allow to take into account such indicators of pavement condition as the number of cracks, their position, geometric parameters of hidden cracks, sizes of cracked base blocks, volumetric damage of the layer material. The assumptions and simplifications accepted in the normative documents actually make it impossible to assess the condition and predict the failure of the design of paved roads with cracks. Therefore, the assessment of the condition of non-rigid pavement should be based on probabilistic methods and criteria for assessing the condition of pavement, which allow to take into account the heterogeneity of pavement design, due, inter alia, the presence of cracks in layers of monolithic materials. The next stage of research is the analysis of existing probabilistic methods of designing and assessing the condition of pavement.

Author Biographies

A. Batrakova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Professor of the Department

S. Urdzik, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Associate Professor of the Department


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How to Cite

Batrakova, A., & Urdzik, S. (2021). METHODS AND CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE CONDITION OF RIGID PAVEMENT CONTAINING CRACKS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 4(164), 65–70. Retrieved from

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