accounts receivable, settlements, financial obligations, advance payment, debt, management accounting, contractual relations.Abstract
The article examined the current state of planning financial obligations and noted the urgency of the problem of the existence of receivables. The urgency of the problem arises due to the presence of a significant share of receivables in the assets of enterprises. The emergence of a problematic issue is the reason for the search for new ways and methods of control over accounts receivable. The organization and methodology for accounting for receivables for goods is shown on the example of TOV "EMSS". We found out that most of the company's income comes from the sale of equipment for the road construction industry, in particular, testing and diagnostic laboratories. The organization of accounting and the main problematic issues of management accounting of receivables in TOV "EMSS" are investigated. The stages of work with contractors are described and the essence of each stage is described in detail. The stage of generating an invoice for payment is considered the moment of the beginning of the receivable to the seller. It has been established that the enterprise is most characterized by current accounts receivable for products, goods and services. At the same time, the company has no bad accounts receivable. The terms of payment for goods and services formed at the enterprise are described. The state and features of management accounting of receivables and their monitoring have been investigated. The main reasons for the origin of accounts receivable in TOV "EMSS" have been clarified. The necessity of work on improving the accounting of receivables and payables has been substantiated. Measures are proposed to reduce the occurrence of accounts receivable and recommendations for improving its information support are developed. The essence of the proposed measures is to automate the information base on accounts payable and receivable of settlement participants; discussion and inclusion in contracts of all obligations between the parties at the stage of concluding the contract; fast fulfillment of obligations for the supply of goods and services; prompt updating of the state of mutual debt, keeping records and reporting of ongoing mutual settlements.
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