potential, potential of enterprise, resource potential, estimation techniqueAbstract
The article deals with the ambiguity of the views of domestic and foreign authors on the nature of the interpretation of such categories as potential and resource potential. The analysis of the evolution of the interpretation of the term "potential" in the economy by scientific thought has been carried out. The study of the evolution of the scientific understanding of the term "potential" makes it possible to conclude that its introduction into economic research was associated with the development of problems of integrated assessment of the level of development of productive forces in the twenties of the last century. The approaches to determination of resource potential are described and the definitions of this category are given. The author, on the basis of the conducted research, proposed the definition of resource potential of the enterprise. In the article, the problem of complex effective evaluation of the resource potential of the enterprise as a whole is disclosed, the assessment of the components of the potential is studied in detail and described in the process of analysis. The effectiveness of using resource potential of enterprises requires the definition of a clear methodology for evaluating this process. The scheme of composition and structure of the resource potential proposed in the work is fundamental for the creation of a methodology for assessing the resource potential. Therefore, an integrated approach to the methodology for assessing the resource potential of enterprises was proposed in the work. The algorithm for the implementation of the methodology is a block diagram, which includes 12 blocks, interconnected logical sequence and the conceptual essence of the methodology for assessing the use of resource potential. Each stage (block) has feedback with the unit of the methodology for assessing the resource potential, that is, after each stage, the method can be refined under the specific conditions of a specific enterprise service sector. Each stage of implementation of the algorithm for assessing the use of resource potential is under continuous monitoring and control by the management, since the future policy of the enterprise will depend on the results obtained. In the work, it is shown how the control system correlates with each other, the functions of management, which place should take the algorithm of implementation of the methodology of evaluation and what place is the algorithm in the process of forming the effectiveness of the management system with a constant management action by the manager. The proposed algorithm for implementation of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of resource potential is a detailed program and allows us to look at the problem of resource potential assessment quite widely from different perspectives. During the writing of the article, we can say that following the given algorithm will allow the enterprise of any sphere to independently test the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of resource potential of the enterprise, and the accounting of recommendations will help to more rationally approach the issue of implementation.
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