The purpose of this paper is the development of questions of increase of efficiency of use of urban areas in the preparation of planning projects and land use documentation. of the analysis of modern condition of legal and methodological support of the processes of research territorial Fund of Ukrainian cities and compare its use with foreign countries. Analyzed and mapped approaches to creating design projects for solving problems in the field of territorial development of cities. The analysis of the current state of legal and methodological support of the processes of development of territorial Fund of cities of Ukraine.
In the work were solved following tasks:
- studied theoretical basis of the project planning area;
- investigated the role of small projects of development planning of urban areas;
- analyzed policy in the sphere of land relations of European and domestic cities;
- the analysis of land relations in Sioux private terms;
- reviewed foreign experience of increase of efficiency of use of urban territories;
On the basis of the analysis rosabela concept of creating design solutions with rational planning and use of urban areas.
The successful implementation of measures stipulated in this article, will significantly improve project planning decisions of the cities of Ukraine and will provide an opportunity for their development and growth of investment flows.
The main results obtained in the development of this article lies in the implementation of elements studies of the effectiveness of planning territories of cities of Ukraine. Thus, the goal of the article is made up nuti.
Keywords: cadastre, land management, urban agglomeration, urban planning, land use and development
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