


corrosion, fomation water, oil, mineralization, activity, austenitic-ferrite steels, cyclic voltammetric curves, pitting, corrosion resistance


The practice of exploiting Iraq's oil fields with the use of flooding is associated with the selection of significant volumes of associated reservoir water, especially at a late stage of development. This requires significant operating costs, especially with the occurrence of sample corrosion. Local corrosion of equipment dramatically increases the cost of replacement and repair of equipment, as well as increases the number of accidents when transporting products. The corrosion resistance of carbon and low-alloy steels in the media containing hydrogen sulfide is determined by the complex influence of various factors. When jointly imposing mechanical and chemical influence, the corrosion factor can be decisive for designing the design of sloping deep oil and gas wells operating in difficult geological conditions. The conditions of operation of the main equipment of the oil field at the late stage of oil extraction are considered. Factors of corrosive destruction in this period are temperature, ion of formation water and associated acid gases СО2 and H2S. It is shown the possibility of using cyclic voltammetric curves to study the stability of various steel samples under conditions of local corrosion. It is shown that in conditions exploitation of oil wells austenitic-ferrite steels show high corrosion resistance in contrast to traditionally used materials.The conducted tests show that the content in high-mineralized formation water of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide at elevated temperature has a unidirectional effect on the strengthening of corrosion processes, and in particular its local species. Strengthening of local corrosion and its manifestation in the form of pitings with the joint action of CO2 and H2S, apparently, is associated with the competitive formation of joint non-continuous protective films FeS and FeCO3.

Author Biographies

A. Nemah, National Technical University “Kharkov Politechnical Institute”

graduate student of Department

D. Donskyi, National Technical University “Kharkov Politechnical Institute”

Ph.D., Associate Professor

S. Nesterenko, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Nemah, A., Donskyi, D., & Nesterenko, S. (2019). STUDY OF THE EFECTS OF CO2 AND H2S AND TEMPERATURE OF FORMATION WATER OF OIL CONDITION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PITING CORROSION: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 3(149), 58–68. Retrieved from

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