construction, logistics, technology, recycling, stocks, waste management, outsourcing.Abstract
The article considers the research of the process of supply of resources for construction taking into account the logistical needs of reversible logistics. The result will be the gradual formation of logistics systems in the construction industry, which should lead to the formation of a single logistics system of the construction industry. This will create a set of integration effects. First of all, to identify the main objectives of the logistics system in the construction industry as a whole, it is necessary to determine the basic economic parameters of each system participant, decompose the logistics system, and then determine the integrated economic characteristics of its activities. It is noted that the current level of logistics development and the growing specialization of its individual functional areas require a focus on the whole chain of causal relationships. Most logistics systems are focused on one direction of movement of inventory - from producer to end consumer. As a result, the process of decomposition of the logistics system of the construction industry according to the main economic parameters of operation was created. The current trends in logistics development that emerged during the pandemic have been identified. The general and basic concepts of waste management of construction companies are considered. The scheme of the waste management hierarchy is given. It is established that the main principles of economic regulation in the construction industry of waste management are to reduce the amount of waste and involve them in economic turnover; payment for waste disposal; economic incentives in the field of waste management. The main problems of reverse logistics facing the business and the possibility of solving them through the introduction of a system of reverse logistics or recycling are identified. In conclusion, the introduction of integrated logistics systems was proposed, which is especially effective in large construction projects located in urban centers, where massive material flows must be managed.
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