
  • О. Azarenko Scientific-research laboratory-experimental center "BRAND TRADE"
  • Yu. Honcharenko European University
  • М. Divizinyuk Institute of Geochemistry and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • R. Shevchenko National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
  • О. Shevchenko National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



critical infrastructure object, nuclear object, terror, dangerous object, protection, concept


The work systematizes numerous interpretations of the concepts of threats and risks. It is shown that in relation to a strategic nuclear facility, existing threats and risks to it are strictly connected by a triangular functional scheme. Threats that may appear in the form of certain catastrophic events at a specific nuclear facility are assessed by the risk (probability) of the occurrence of a certain catastrophic event under selected conditions at this facility using specially developed methods.

The independence of the state is determined by its ability to preserve its territorial integrity and national security, cultural values and national assets, state potentials and the identity of ethnic peoples.

The problem is to determine the epistemological connections between the concepts of threats and risks in relation to nuclear facilities, which in practice ensures a competent assessment of the surrounding environment, the creation of a reliable model of threats and ensuring the reliable safety of a specific nuclear facility.

Based on the above, the purpose of this article is to systematize numerical interpretations of the concepts of threats and risks in relation to the security of strategic nuclear facilities.

To achieve the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following scientific tasks: first, to analyze the concept of danger; secondly, consider the interpretation of the term risk; thirdly, to describe the relationship between a strategic nuclear facility, a threat, and a risk.

Based on the above, the strategic nuclear facility, its objectively existing threats and risks are strictly connected by a triangular functional scheme. Threats that may appear in the form of certain catastrophic events at a specific nuclear facility are assessed by the risk (probability) of the occurrence of a certain catastrophic event under selected conditions at this facility using specially developed methods.

The application of these logical relationships will allow not only to improve the existing methods of calculating the risks of catastrophic events occurring at nuclear facilities, but also to develop new models of emergency management at technological facilities.

Author Biographies

О. Azarenko, Scientific-research laboratory-experimental center "BRAND TRADE"

Dr. Sci. (Phys. & Math..), Full Professor, Intercessor of the Kerivnik

Yu. Honcharenko, European University

Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Information Systems, Programming and Cyber Security

М. Divizinyuk, Institute of Geochemistry and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dr. Sci. (Phys. & Math..), Full Professor, Chief Researcher

R. Shevchenko, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Full Professor, Head at the Department of Automatic Security Systems and Information Technologies

О. Shevchenko, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

PhD (Engin.), Conducting Faculty


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How to Cite

Azarenko О., Honcharenko, Y., Divizinyuk М., Shevchenko, R., & Shevchenko О. (2023). CONCEPTS OF THREAT AND RISK. THEIR COMMON FEATURES AND PRINCIPAL DIFFERENCES (CONCERNING NUCLEAR AND OTHER STRATEGIC OBJECTS). Municipal Economy of Cities, 3(177), 153–158.

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