structural and logical scheme, operation, emergency rescue equipment, emergency situation, training of specialistsAbstract
The work examines the field of problems of training specialists in the operation of emergency and rescue equipment in the conditions of uncertainty of the process of receiving and modernizing the latter.
During the hostilities, the system of training specialists of the State Emergency Service faced a number of challenges that significantly affected the quality of knowledge and skills that graduates of higher education institutions receive. If the problem of the issue is considered only in the part of the training of specialists in the operation of emergency and rescue equipment, then the following should be noted. A stable structural and logical scheme of the process of coordination and improvement of the efficiency of the system of training specialists in the operation of emergency and rescue equipment provides for the presence of a mandatory procedure for the coordination of operational and technical parameters of emergency and rescue equipment and the methodology of training specialists in its operation.
It has been proven that today there is a range of additional tasks related to both the organization of material support of units of the State Emergency Service and the process of training and retraining of specialists in the operation of equipment and technical means. In order to comprehensively solve the mentioned issues, it is necessary to form an effective methodology for provision and training, taking into account the experience of domestic and international researchers and the principles and criteria of NATO.
A structural and logical scheme of the methodology for increasing the effectiveness of the process of preventing emergency situations in conditions of uncertainty of the parameters of the training of specialists and the operation of emergency rescue equipment has been formed, which consists of 6 procedures, the application of which is limited to the field of regional conditions for the use of emergency rescue equipment and are related to each other directly and feedback, which in the end allows to further unify the process of training specialists taking into account experience and NATO standards.
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