The world of management at the present stage is characterized by its diversity and is subject to a large number of tasks and factors set before it. From managers a number of specific skills and abilities are necessary, as in the conditions of directing the Ukrainian economy into real production (especially within the framework of post-crisis development), rationalization of exploitation of available resources, as well as active participation in the institutionalization of market relations in management, it is necessary to apply innovative management methods. The well-being of the company depends on the successful management of the company. The senior manager should declare a future policy: keep business, provide employees with jobs and create new jobs. In the framework of the study, the author summarized the experience of using the Deming cycle and given an example of its practical use in improving the management processes of the company. The paper describes an interactive management technique that consists of four cycles and aims at continuous improvement of processes and products. For practical application of the PDCA methodology it is important to understand that this is a cycle. That is, the entire process consists of actions that need to be planned and practiced continuously to improve the outcome. The importance of the PDCA methodology lies in the fact that it allows for efficient management of the enterprise. PDCA plays a huge role in the implementation of the process approach, because it is this mechanism that plays a key role in continuous improvement of the enterprise's operation on a systematic basis. A constant improvement is one of the principles of a process approach. The PDCA or Deming cycle is a great catalyst for improving your company's quality. Therefore, we see that the ideas contained in the PDCA methodology are based on the most advanced management principles and provide us with an integrated approach to address one of the main challenges facing the business - to improve the quality of service.
Keywords: Deming cycle, PDCA cycle, organization, process, process approach, strategy, goal, plan, result, efficiency, system.
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