the development of the hotel and restaurant industry, the hospitality industry, the restaurant business, the hotel businessAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize the priority directions of development of the hotel and restaurant industry in Ukraine.
In order to achieve the greatest effect in the development of the hotel and restaurant industry in Ukraine, it is proposed to simultaneously implement innovative, investment, marketing, organizational and other measures, as well as promote the development of the industry from the state side. It is noted that innovative activity promotes the emergence of new equipment, new technologies, orientation towards national features, the emergence of new services (development of entertainment), the introduction of computer and multimedia technologies, training and staff development, and improving the quality of service. Improvement of delivery depends on the introduction of computer and Internet technologies.
Realization of the complex of measures of the innovative direction gives an opportunity to bring the activity of domestic hotel and restaurant enterprises in line with international standards.
It is proved that the important direction is the state support of the hotel and restaurant industry: assistance in the emergence and development of small enterprises, deepening of specialization of enterprises, establishment of tax privileges, reduction of rent, creation of national and international hotel and restaurant networks. The support of the state of enterprises in attracting investors contributes to the new construction of hotel and restaurant complexes. Construction of promising ecological complexes is impossible without the development of transport infrastructure.
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